Invested In Our Communities
At Biondo Investment Advisors, LLC, our commitment to philanthropy and community involvement is more than an aspect of the client experience – it’s a guiding principle of our culture. We advocate giving back to the community with time, talent, and resources to help improve the local communities in which we live and work. Our dedication to philanthropy is a progression of the legacy established from the vision and example of our founder, Joseph R. Biondo.
In addition to firm-sponsored events and programs, our colleagues contribute to several of their own charitable organizations through their time, investments, and leadership. We seek to empower their philanthropic visions by providing sponsorship gifts and allowing for time off to participate in their volunteer work, leadership roles as coaches or, committee and board memberships. These efforts aren’t just good for morale; they are fundamental to our firm’s continued mission to be invested in our communities.
We believe that long-term investments yield the best return, and that philosophy is best demonstrated with the commitments we have with several organizations in supporting their ability to maintain the good work they do.
The Ingeborg A. Biondo Memorial Foundation
The foundation, established in 1986 by Joseph R. Biondo, is a not-for-profit organization devoted to providing assistance to challenged individuals in the tristate area.
Primarily, the Foundation sponsors summer camperships for children with special needs, providing for an educational and rewarding experience. Today, they work with several different camps in the tri-state area and have underwritten the cost of adjustments like ramps and full-access bathroom facilities to accommodate camperships. Each year it sponsors between 150 and 200 children.
In addition, a direct and lasting contribution to the local community was the building of Firefly Field, a totally accessible playground on an acre and a half of property donated by the town of Matamoras, PA. The playground is totally accessible and even includes a swing set that can accommodate four wheelchairs at a time. They have a ramp for wheelchairs that gets the children up to about 15 feet and then they can go down the slide.
“A life based in the service of others is where you can find true value and happiness.”