Financial Planning and Well-Being

It’s understandable why many feel helpless and frustrated given the gloomy winter and bleak economic news of the past few months. If we take the visual cues of nature, however, we can use the arrival of spring to begin a mental and financial refresh. One way we can do this is through financial planning. Financial planning not only helps us achieve our financial goals, but can also be a jumpstart to improving our emotional well-being.

One of the main benefits of financial planning is that it helps us feel more in control of our money. We can make informed decisions about how to spend and save when we have a plan in place. This can have a favorable effect on our mental health, by lowering stress and anxiety about household finances.

The ability to build financial momentum is another advantage of financial planning. A financial plan can assist us in moving closer to our objectives, whether they are saving for retirement, creating an emergency fund, or saving for a down payment on a home. Our confidence and self-esteem can be increased by this sense of accomplishment.

Finally, by reducing financial stress and building confidence through effective financial planning, we can improve our physical health and overall well-being.

We’ve Seen This for Ourselves

As financial professionals, we get to witness firsthand the positive effects of taking clients through the process of developing a financial plan: 

  • Taking a fresh look at your finances helps identify gaps and address any troubling concerns, to relieve anxiety and feel more in control.
  • A candid review of your current finances ensures you are still aligned with your goals, or presents an opportunity to set new ones, to feel confident you understand the steps you need to take to achieve them.
  • Organizing your finances in a consolidated view simplifies your life and frees up time and energy for more meaningful activities.
  • Establishing a long-term, trusting relationship with an advisor is reassuring because you know your money is being monitored for your best interest.

Advice Can Help Everyone

If you need dietary advice, you may speak to a dietician. If you want to improve your fitness, you may want to engage a personal trainer. If you’re stressed and want to get things off your chest, you talk to a therapist. Financial issues should be no different when it comes to making the decision to work with a financial advisor.

At Biondo Investment Advisors, we think that your personal and financial health are closely related. Therefore, it’s important to keep in mind the advantages of developing a financial foundation and game plan. It’s one of the things that motivates us to work hard towards preparing you for a confident financial future.

Source: Legally licensed for use by AdvisorStream.