Life Is More Than Just Making A Living

We live in a society in which people are trying to do more each day. Work and life are worthy competitors for time. Even the most astute time managers struggle with the juggling act that many face when attempting to strike a balance between personal aspirations and obligations to their families and satisfying careers.

At Biondo Investment Advisors, we care about both your personal and financial well-being, and this last month of summer is the perfect time to remind everyone to pause and find a balance in life.  Below are some strategies that you may find helpful:

Learn where you’re using and losing time: Note your activities, both personal and professional, and the amount of time that each take. You can then prioritize them to understand if you spend enough time on the things that are important to you.

Set goals: Turn your priorities into S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based) goals so you can begin to achieve them.

Draw a line in the sand: Create realistic boundaries between your work and personal life. Hybrid work schedules can unintentionally extend the workday for many. Be sure to set hard stops for breaks or avoid checking your work email in the evening.

Be present: Be where you are, work at work and enjoy your personal life at home. Find ways to transition between the two—listen to a podcast, read a book or enjoy a cup of tea.

An apple a day: Maintain your health by eating right and exercising. Your life will be affected both at work and at home if you are physically not feeling well.

Nurture the relationships that nurture you: Some of our most fulfilling experiences are rooted in our relationships with others. Prioritize your relationships and take the time to connect, even if it’s a quick text or call.

Me time: Find 30 minutes of uninterrupted “me time” for small pleasures every day. These can help you recharge and re-center your mind.

Flex your work benefits: Take advantage of policies and programs at work that promote work-life balance, like flexible hours. Use your vacation time to relax and break from the day-to-day routine. It is also an opportunity to bond with loved ones and experience new things.

Work-life balance varies from person to person. However, you can start to find a balance between your personal and professional lives by engaging in meaningful activities that give you energy—mentally, spiritually, and physically.

We appreciate the trust you place in us throughout your financial journey and wish you a wonderful rest of the summer.

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