Welcome to WealthMap

As part of our on-going commitment to bring new resources to our clients, we would like to formally introduce you to WealthMap, your personal financial website and planning software.


We often hear from clients and prospective clients, “How am I doing?” WealthMap lets us collaborate with you in real time, and take a comprehensive view of your complete financial picture to develop a deeper understanding of what is required to achieve your goals for yourself and your family. We are here to be your financial advocate, to give you confidence for your journey ahead.

How WealthMap Can Help You Achieve Your Financial Dreams

  • We start by helping you identify your goals and evaluate where you are relative to those goals.
  • We evaluate your options and recommend strategies to help you get you where you want to be.
  • We don’t stop there. We help you implement the recommendations. Then, we continually monitor your financial situation to ensure you remain on track to achieve your financial dreams.

How We Do It

Complete Financial Picture: We link all your financial accounts for a complete and up-to-date view of your financial situation. Our analysis and recommendations are comprehensive and reflect current market conditions.
Monitor Progress: With a daily snapshot of your progress, we can alert and remind you of financial factors that may impact your ability to achieve your goals. This relieves you of organizational burden, allowing you to focus your energies on what matters most in your life.
Increased Collaboration: Our wealth management system provides both you and our team with a secure view of your financial progress. We can collaborate with you online at anytime, no matter where you are.

What We Provide

We make your life easier by providing unique services for staying organized, updated and prepared.
ORGANIZER: Connect all your accounts for a consolidated view of your entire financial picture.
TRACK SPENDING: Know how much you’re spending, and where.
SCREEN SHARING: Join a screen sharing session quickly and easily for interactive planning anytime, anywhere.
MOBILE: A complete financial picture available on your smart phone.
INVESTMENTS: Interactive charts and detailed views help monitor all your accounts.
BUDGETING TOOLS: Set budgets to help reach your savings goals.
VAULT: See if you’re on target to reach your most important goals.
GOALS: Connect all your accounts for a consolidated view of your entire financial picture.

Your goals remain the centerpiece of our recommendations and strategies.